Spread the word: Giving blood saves lives
The Latvian State Blood Donor Centre under the Ministry of Health manages blood supplies and raises awareness in society of the need for blood. We were asked to redesign the Centre's website from scratch and help inform society about their activities and the urgency of becoming a donor.

We focused on showing what happens to your blood when you donate and how giving blood can save lives. The donation application form was the main call to action. As it collects sensitive personal data the security had to be high level.

We delivered the full project including concept, UX, visual design and infographics, development, user and AB testing and maintenance.
Typefaces used

Graftik provided graphic design services to the State Blood Donor Centre in Latvia in 2015. The development has been carried out on time, according to the requirements and obligations. We are satisfied with the service and technical support quality of Graftik.